One niche polish, Rescue Beauty, shuttered its doors last fall.
She had a lot of sales at the end and I will admit it finally hit a price point that was affordable for me, I did try to hit the sales pretty hard, since I've always liked her polish, but it was normally a bit out of reach.
I purchased Pardonne Moi, part of a small collection that pays homage to her time living in Paris. There are some beauties and I was pretty excited to get Pardonne Moi.
This is three coats, no top coat. It's a pretty medium blue frosty shimmer. Very radiant, quite pretty.
When it arrived I immediately pulled OPI Into the Night out of the drawer to compare:
Left to right:
Rescue Beauty Pardonne Moi
OPI Into The Night
Rescue Beauty Pardonne Moi
OPI Into The Night
Bottom photo is a first coat. You can see these are extremely similar. In person the difference is more pronounced: RBL is blue, OPI is indigo.
Personal taste? I love OPI Into the Night a little bit better, but for all intents and purposes, you really have it boiling down to taste. I won't say that either has a better formula, they were truly on par: worked well, dried nicely, good finish and smoothed out well, too. Wore well, too.
Here's a bottle shot:
Really very close. If you missed out on Pardonne Moi you didn't missed out on that much of a unique polish. Unless you are a total fan of this brand, then that's another story.
I next decided to do all my hands in this alternating set up, to test out wear. I thought since stamping is getting a little more fun for me, I'd stamp:
Wear was excellent. I think I stamped after a day of wear, then I put on a topper after another two days.
You really can't see that much of a difference, can you? I know I can't. Well, I guess I can because I know which is which, but in real world they are basically dupes.
Stamped with a Dollar Store Milani, Instant Pearl, then topped with a topper I found at TJ Maxx called Precious Metal, by Orly.
Seriously pleased over finding this Orly topper. I adore it. It's packed with glass fleck that in some lights takes on some holographic qualities because of the different shades of glass fleck. For the most part, though, it looks silvery. I managed to rustle up a backup bottle and life is good. ;D
I think you can easily rustle up the OPI online, the RBL should show up on eBay if it's not on there now, but the Orly, well, good luck. I think (THINK, but don't know) it's a repackaged Orly Colorblast, but I just don't know. I only recently saw a few Colorblasts and no local retailers carry this line. It might show up again relabeled, it's unique and really turned my head.
Thank you for reading my little nail polish journal!