Friday, October 21, 2016

Milani's Old School New School Twinkle

Here's another oldie from the 2014 Photo Trove.

Milani Lavender Twinkle

Four coats, no top coat.

Beautiful lavender packed with blue shimmer that twinkles a pretty bright blue.

Right on task with all the "alternative color" shimmers that are populating the mainstream and indie breadbasket. Well, more of an indie trend, but China Glaze has done right by this very classic finish.

I have a ton of oldies that are mix and match and this is just another one to love.

This is an old Dollar Tree find. Though it is a four coater, it's a wholly unique polish in my collection, so it gets a pass. I could emulate it with a topper over a lavender, but somehow it stands alone. Stalwart. Noble. Very beautiful. A female action figure of a polish.

My lights bring up the blue shimmer. It's such a delicate combination.

I couldn't find it online, so I am not sure if it's just gone. If you are an "old school" Milani fan, it might pop up every now and then. You just never know. I often see random things I think I'll never find then suddenly: boom drops in my lap.

Thank you for reading my little nail polish journal!

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