Showing posts with label Elevation Polish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elevation Polish. Show all posts

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Elevation Daisen

No punny title, no funny words.

Just a Japanese mountain pushed up out of the sea by plate tectonics and an action called subduction, where one piece of a plate slides - not smoothly at all - beneath another plate and wrinkles the earth into lovely peaks and valleys.

Here is Elevation Daisen over black:

Beauty filled glitter polish with purple, pink and copper circular mirror glitter of various sizes mixed in with a small iridescent blue/green/gold glitter.
It's not shy, and it's quite gorgeous.

I used Pure Ice black and it let me down a bit so I apologize about the pinkie, but moving on...

When the light hits it, the little mirrors go crazy sending out sparkles in all directions.

Photographed in glorious sunshine. Yay!

I found mine on a blog sale and bought it as a last minute add-on, really quite pleased with the result!

Not, it appears, on the Elevation Polish site at this time, however I hope it's not discontinued.

This is a unique glitter. I think it would take quite a number of coats to achieve a "wall o' glitter" on the nail. BUT, if that's the affect you'd like, then certainly put it over the top of something like OPI's Servin' Up Sparkle mixed in with Color Club's Tru. You might need to wear shades!

I still have many backed up photos, so I'm hitting those hard, which is satisfying.

Thank you for reading my little nail polish journal!

p.s. If you are a follower and see something on the blog sale, don't be shy, let's talk. I'm amenable to lowering prices, shipping, etc.