
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Color Club Alter Ego Part 2 of 4

Hey! Part 2 of the Color Club Alter Ego Collection!

When I publish them all I'll get it all together and link back and ahead.
(Speaking of which I need to do that on a couple of others)

All are without a topcoat and are under lamp light. I've got a diffuser, aka parchment paper, and it's softening the light.

More cremes.

Some other thoughts...these aren't self leveling, nor are they thin. I felt as though they could be thinned, though I didn't try it.

Let's start off with Sheer Disguise

A gray that has a bit of blue in it. It's not quite as dark as this photo, nor as green as it seems to appear on the monitor I'm working on.
This color reminds me of a wet spring in Seattle.
I did wear this one to work and it wore pretty well, though I will say that very little survives like it used to.


This one is a rather lumpy one. thought my nails are ridged, and have a weird divet that just emerged and is growing out, I really don't love this one. It's got, though a divine shimmer in the bottle that I can't really see indoors.
I guess if I was going to nominate a whole new finish category, I'd add one called "Secret Shimmer". This one falls straight in the heart of that territory.

Here's the bottle:

Give Me A Hint

A taupe purple, a turple, in the classic sense you'd call this a dusty puce.
It's lovely and I like it a lot.
I haven't done comps, that will come down the pike...the To Do list is long and I wanted to blog more than comp. Reminds me of Rimmel Steel Gray (blogged here), but stamped with enough red in the mix to take make it puce-y.
Me Likey!!!

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!

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