
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Byte of Raspberry

Here is a color I never tire of, bright pink.

I can live without pale pink and often when I am in a mood to tighten colors up, they are the first to go (my purple drawer is still quite bloated, though.)

I think I've posted about this polish, Sally Hansen 10 Day Wear Raspberry. If not, I did blog about the one other one I have in a slightly pinker shade.

This one is a red leaning pink.

I topped it with a Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear unnamed mini from a Ross purchase bank in 2010 then put a couple of coats of Sally Hansen Byte.

(actually under a lamp)

Three coats of the Raspberry, one of Xtreme, two of Byte.

This doesn't really capture the blue fleck of Byte, which is so beautiful. It's a bit of an under sung character compared to DVD and Laser in the now defunct HD line by Sally Hansen.
A bummer as those are worthy polishes to own.

I highly suggest Byte. 
Over black, navy, etc, it holds its own.

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!

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