
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Reblog: WetnWild Darkest Green

Have no fear, March will be greens. Greens, greens, and more greens, that is.

In the meantime, I pulled out a polish that I love a lot. It's an oldie and blogged what feels like 100 years ago here.

Here is is again, WetnWild Crystalic Darkest Green

This polish really is just stunning.

It's a green that is so dark and lovely yet always green. After further examination the jelly the shimmer swims around in is a gorgeous dark, dark green, not black. Yay!

 I found this at the Dollar Tree when it was packed to the gills with the good loot, I have backup of this one and just love the shimmer pop of forest green when the light hits it.

It's two to three coats, comfortably giving good coverage.

A loose-ish formula, but not wholesale sloppitude.

It's old and I couldn't even find a photo on line, so I think it's long gone. There's probably a pile in some landfill somewhere. Sigh.

Vamps are perfect for winter, but this one gives a peek of something other than black.

Thanks so much for reading my little nail polish journal!

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