
Monday, August 22, 2016

Summer in the 80's

It's hot. Shorts are short. It's how it is in summer.

Zingy shades that can take the heat are de riquer. 

Sure, everyone is pining for autumn. Not yet. Not just yet. 

Milani Totally 80's topped with Zoya Tangy

I've blogged Zoya before, but didn't capture it's zip. 

Here's Milani Totally 80's alone

This is a neon collection from Neon from quite a few years ago. Now long gone, a pretty jonquil yellow that ostensibly is a neon shade. 

Tried some stamping...

I wanted to try some angular stamping, definitely feeling that geometric action from that decade.

From my Cici Sisi set. 

This is probably the last time I will stamp with the Milani art polish I though might work out to be something like a a great stamping polish. Notsomuch. Bummer. 

Meanwhile, I've just been experimenting with WnW black creme and it's a great replacement. This can live out its life as a normal black nail polish. Ah well. Live and learn.

Wanted to toss out another anglular stamping...

This is the same Cici Sisi set, and it's over WetnWild Mint Fusion, blogged here.

Very pretty stamp and I think it's a good size for my nails. 

Thank you for reading my little nail polish journal!

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