
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Late Summer Early Autumn

At 2500 feet above sea level autumn sneaks in a little early.

Trees are starting to turn, nights are chilled like a mountain stream, and, I feel the shortening of the days with their lovely Claude Lorraine sunsets.

Here is a tasty tidbit by the Still Rather Obscure Brand Elle Elle.

It's 205.

A distinct brick base with gold and bright red shimmer popping out all over.

Here is a sun/shade comparison:

You can see the gold glass fleck running through the polish in the shade, but the red shimmer pops only in the sunshine.

No worries, there!

Three coats, with a bit of a non-3-free smell about it.

It reminds me of Smok'n in Havana but that is more of a coral and this is definitely in the red/brown family.

This is the bottle shot, which shows the gorgeous gold running in its veins.

I can't imagine where this might be found. I've googled a bit, but not really found more than a dead end or two. This was in the famed 9-pack that I found at Ross in 2009 when I was first starting out.
These wear very well, even with hard use that kills my nails.

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!


  1. Quite obscure. :) I was so enjoying the pleasant end of summer weather in N. Idaho last week; quite a letdown to come back to hot and humid here in SE Michigan. I didn't miss not having AC on when I slept, for sure.

    1. We have been having some gorgeous weather here!

      Elle Elle was only at Ross for a while, I never saw it anywhere else, or after those few times.



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