
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Close, Yet Again

I had a big long post about relabeling (WetnWild's Caribbean Frost in three different collections under three different names), repurposing (Nicole OPI's Too Rich For You showing up as the one of the Ulta OPI summer exclusives) and shared colors (Orly's and Sparitual's similar - no - identical colors, Love and Beauty's and L.A. Girl's identical versions of light blue with a green/yellow shimmer).

But, I thought I am not really onto the occult (hidden, not magical) reasons companies do what they do. Who am I? Humble blogger trying to get through probably the largest collection of untried polishes on the planet? I am naturally curious, but I provide no answers and only speculation. I am neither a "fashion journalist" nor a "beauty insider", and not even what I'd call a trendsetter. I remain, humbly, a person trying to find a way to apply polish better, have nicer cuticles and make my photos appear to match the color of the polish!

So, here is a very close dupe within the Maybelline Dollar Tree pantheon.

Diva Groove is the same thing as Violet Aluminum. There you go! Save your dollah! If you see one, unless this is your "it" color, you probably don't need the other.

I found the "Diva" polishes and blogged them here.

Then on a road trip I found Violet Aluminum.

Recently I swatched them both:

Well, well, well.

If these were unlabeled I don't think I could tell the difference. Perhaps Diva Groove is a touch more glittery, but in the bottle, next to one another, it's really hard to tell. No mixing balls might be an issue because old Maybellines with glitter tend to get the glitter stuck on the sides of the bottle.

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!


  1. Hmm ... maybe I will stop looking for Diva Groove--I do have that Aluminum. Thanks!

    I'd still like to read your big relabeling post!

  2. LOL!
    I should have saved it.

    An FYI, Diva Rock is a dupe of Blackened Maroon, too.

    More Dollar Tree Dupes!



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