
Monday, October 1, 2018

Reboot, Reblog, Blues for Autumn

Autumnal blues are complex. They are the seaside shutting down after tourist season. They are the long shadows and deep even longer evenings.

Here is a blue that is just so perfect for fall, American Apparel Mount Royal

Three coats, a shiny, but non-self-leveling finish, this pretty deep cobalt feels moody and pensive like a storm about to slip over the mountains.

Gone the way of the dodo, the American Apparel brand seems to be defunct. This is available on eBay, so not completely extinct!

Here is a reboot of Amoresse Cool In The Pool.

Hard to fault. Defiantly blue sky in the late afternoon. Perfection.

Might be so rare that my earlier blog post (here) is coming up on the search! Hilarious!

A quick comparison:

Left to right:


Warm afternoons, cool nights, shorter days. A pair of pretties to enjoy the crisp days of autumn.

Thanks so much for reading my little nail polish journal!

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