
Thursday, February 1, 2018

Reblog: Sally Hansen Star Opal 02

Here's a quickie: Sally Hansen Star Opal.
These are quite old compared to the array of multichrome choices coming out of the indie world.

I popped this over Nicole by OPI Bah Plumbug. Wait, I think I have this for sale on the blog sale, but  it's not selling, might as well use it! (I am doing more sorting/purging/etc...shipping is free, go take a look!)

Sally Hansen Star Opal 02

Late night photo sessions with the phone and flash and a secondary daylight corrected 100 watt LED bulb. 
Two coats and not able to grab the silver/green shift, but it's there. It's like a frosty Zoya Ki.

In less direct lighting, the purple diffuses into a soft silver purple, not dissimilar to Dior Silver Purple. Then if you move at certain angles it starts out sage green and will, with some work, give you a nice green.

One coat is probably recommended, as it can get milky and you can see it somewhat on my ring finger.

These are, as expected, slow as heck to dry. You can see a smudge on my index finger.

Poking around the usual spots, it's not hard to find these Opals, and they do sell, so prices aren't rock bottom, but they aren't super popular, either. Though some prices surprise. Good to see the vintage market isn't deader than a laboratory frog.

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!

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