
Sunday, January 7, 2018

OPI Designer Series Imperial

You know an era is over when you can't find the line on the OPI website any more.

OPI Designer Series once whetted peoples appetites with holos (Original, Glamour, Sapphire),  glass fleck gorgeosity (Royal, Magic),  and glitters (Temptation, Lapis). Now it's a forgotten line, as OPI moves into gels and dips.

Here is one I never heard of until I saw it at TJ Maxx.

OPI Designer Series Imperial

A plum that sinks into purple in the dark edges.

I was loving the red violet shimmer very much, too.

The dimensionality simply made this shimmer stand out.

I have three coats and wore it for several days. Zero complaints.

To me OPI has not been a groundbreaking company with color, they appear to be chasing products that have to do with wear time and are feeling more like a run-with-the-pack brand than a head turner.

I am finding fewer in their new releases that make me want to buy, and in the masses that show up in huge lots at TJ Maxx, I don't see a lot of colors in which I feel I am missing out.

This one, though. Wow. Imperial is right. Like a velvet cape trimmed in ermine.

Meanwhile...found the flash drive.....yay!!!

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Huh, I'd never seen this one either. I'd suspect a rename of something else, but I can't think of what.


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