
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

L'Oreal's Holo Affair

In this abundance of holographic riches, mainstream brands like Revlon and L'Oreal are dipping their toes into the waters with things like holo toppers and holo nail polish.

I think it's great. Nothing more fun than that rainbow on your nails when you hit the sunshine!

Here's L'Oreal's Masked Affair 

This is a mauve holo, very pale, loaded with holo that is a scattered flame

Three coats, no top coat.

I it's not super smooth, but not bad. It takes a bit of oomph to pick up the holo. This is under my lamp with some fill flash, so you can see the color. It's almost purple, but in most light it's a pale purple mauve shade.

I think at first I was a little miffed when I saw it in the bottle. I thought it was kind of paltry with the holo.

On the nail, it gives it up in bright light, which is so nice.

Here  it is in lower light:

It definitely is show its gray roots here!

You can see that there are small and larger holo pieces, and I think if this was all a super fine holo that is mixed with some fine silver (I think it is, because some just doesn't pick up anything) it would be a flat out fail, but the bigger pieces help.

While not a holo monster, it certainly delivers.

Right now it's not cheap on eBay, and I am guessing that (since I've stopped following the drug store beat) L'Oreal does keep a stable of core shades (at least at Walgreens), but pop out special stuff on a seasonal basis. It is no longer on their site. It was a special edition, so it may have not been on the site long if at all. 

This came out in 2015, but hung around for a while. Though it's not longer in the L'Oreal stable, nor at an affordable price, it was nice to see holo polish hit mainstream.

I am surprised more brands don't do this: holographic pigment is not in short supply and everyone seems to like it, or at least enjoys dipping their toes every now an again.

I have a backup bottle and I am trying to use some polishes as stamping polishes. This has a density about it that make make it a candidate.

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!

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