
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Deep Olive Brown

I've been wanting to swatch a pair of polishes that are beautiful in the bottle and beautiful on the nail, too.

Here are Revlon Enthrall and Sally Hanson Complete Salon Manicure Sequin Scandal

From left to right:
Revlon Enthrall
Sally Hansen CSM Sequin Scandal
Revlon Enthrall
Sally Hansen CSM Sequin Scandal

Three coats each and though I think though they are super close, Revlon has a bit more luminosity to the glitter. I think the base isn't quite as dark as the Sally Hansen.

I found the Revlon at Big Lots! and the Sally Hansen I might  have paid full retail (yoiks!).

I like the Revlon a bit better.

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!

1 comment:

  1. I really need to visit more often! I wanted sequin scandal so bad but it never showed up at my drugstores...and now you tell me that it's the same as enthrall, which I do have but have never used yet. I can't remember where I got it but I know I got it super cheap, either Dollar Tree or Ocean State Job Lot. I also have that Hard Candy sweet pea green that you have a few posts ahead of this one, I knew it would be a pain in the butt so never used it yet either. Now you tell me to sponge it! See I need to pop in more often to get nail advice and tips.


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