
Monday, January 4, 2016

Revlon, Wut, Wut?!?!?

I haven't dabble much into Revlon except their quick dry formula and had avoided their Brilliant Strength/Gel stuff on the basis of some pretty bad experiences in the past.

Then I went to Dollar Tree and found a number of bottle of Brilliant Strength and thought I could try them out with a low risk price tag of a dollar.

Lo and behold I was pleasantly surprised!

Revlon Brilliant Strength Beguile

Three coats, no top coat.

I wore this polish for several days and it wore like it meant it. No tip wear to speak of and no chips. Holy mackerel!

It dried like a charm, which was a real head turner for me. That alone just boggled my mind. 

A final win, truly, was that it reminded of a certain polish - Essie Dive Bar - that did not live up to its promise. This one has the blue shimmer that turns teal and shifts all the way to purple. I could only capture the blue and purple, but there is teal and it's gorgeous.

The current retail version is a little smaller, but appears to be the same concept. Local Shopko had 40% off, so who knows how often they turn over the colors, but I think keeping an eye out at the Dollar tree is worthwhile.

The good news is that these are prevalent on eBay and at a really affordable price point if you don't have access to them in the retail stores or a Dollar Tree. 

Thank you for reading my little nail polish journal!


  1. I have this polish, but have yet to use it. I must change that soon cause it's so pretty!

  2. I got some of this line when it was going away, it was pretty good stuff! This is a pretty one!


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