
Friday, July 24, 2015

Pale Blue Shimmers - Part 2

Here is part two of some pale blue sheer shimmers.

Here is a link back to part 1.

This set is basically a dupe list for you if you are thinking of getting something like this as a topper. I will add that none of these polishes purports to be a layering top coat, just sheer, baby, sheer!

These are shown alone then over Color Club Bright Night, which I wanted to swatch an never seemed to get around to doing so. 

Three coats, no top coat.

This is a gorgeous bright blue. I will say that my bottle didn't have any mixing balls in it and since I've had it unused for a while (far too long, I might add) and the deep blue pigment sank to the bottom in a 1/4 inch layer, leaving a light blue polish.
It took me a ton of time to shake it up, I finally added some mixing balls and it finally worked out. As I write this it's been a few days since I took photos and the pigment has sunk again. Interesting.

On to the shimmers, shall we?

Sparitual It's Raining Men

Three coats, no top coat.

Now of course you can see this pretty light blue with an amber shimmer, but on the nail it's so sheer at three coats that you can see my stained nails. Ugh! Sad!  It looks uneven but you can see that on the right side of my pinkie and ring finger that when the light doesn't shine hard on it, it looks almost opaque and you can really see the light blue. Very pretty, but not enough. I think over a pale blue this would show up better.

Sparitual It's Raining Men over Color Club Bright Night

Suddenly the amber shimmer shifts red and it's gorgeous. I love this a lot. This is two coats only, no top coat.

I am sure that you can see how this is a topper versus a solo polish. It would be pretty over a nude, white, or pale pink, though.

Three free is the story behind Sparitual, I think I bought this directly from them quite a bit ago. I believe it was $10 a bottle and now that I look back, ouch! Especially after you see the next polish!
Right now this is on eBay, although I can't find it on Sparitual's website.

L.A. Girl Paradise Blue

Here is the super discount version of the above polish. Also 3-Free and found on DiscountCosmeticOutlet or maybe Beautyjoint for a song.

Same amber gilded look alone and here it appears to have somewhat more coverage.

DCO still has a lot of these old polishes, although not this one. I can't find this one on eBay, either.

L.A. Girl Paradise Blue over Color Club Bright Night

Two coats, no top coat.

Again with the gorgeous red shift. I love this a lot: great price point, 3-Free, and up to par with a decent formula. Just wish it was available because it's really quite the win.

Orly Sky Blue-Pink

Same thing as Spiritual. Color is a little dowsed and underexposed, but that's me. Three coats, no top coat.

Basically this is a pre-3-Free polish but identical to Sparitual. So, I am assuming, since I have so many Sparitual/Orly dupes, Orly makes Sparitual.  But, since this is not 3-Free, they must have trotted out the recipe for Sparitual.

Orly Sky Blue-Pink is an older polish, and I found it on Head2Toe's website where you scroll back through a bunch of old old old colors and can't really see what you are looking for nor can you really find swatches online. I think I just added it to an order to see what I got. Well, I got a dupe, basically.

Orly Sky Blue-Pink over Color Club Bright Night

Two coats, no top coat.

For some reason this one shows more brushstrokes.  Not much more to say, except that the 3-Free dries a tad bit slower than this one. In the meantime, this one stinks and it's not that much better. At least nothing a Quick Dry Top Coat can't handle.

I did want to compare these because they are absolutely the same:

Same order as my swatches:

Sparitual It's Raining Men
L.A. Girl Blue Paradise
Orly Sky Blue-Pink

Two coats over Color Club Bright Night.

Very pretty topper that is unique among the throng of pinks in that it shifts to a reddened shade versus a soft pink.

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!


  1. Ooh! I don't have any of these! Very pretty effect over that bright bright blue...

  2. Hi there! I thought I was the only one whose Color Club Bright night's deep blue pigment sunk! My bottle has 2 mixing balls but the blue pigment sinks every time.

    1. Isn't that crazy? It really sinks fast, too.

      The old arms get a workout with that one!


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