
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Old Navies

Here's a quickie comparison of a couple of oldies that are unique in one thing: they both have a red shimmer, supposedly making them purple. They don't fit in the purple category, though, they are full on navy.

I will add that this post is a little self indulgent, I really was trying to sort out a couple of navys.

Borghese Plumaggio Purple

A deep navy base packed with blue and red shimmer.

Three coats and a nice formula. Not dissimilar to Color Club Electronica, blogged here, but truly navy and not bright or medium blue.

Sally Hansen Spark

The blue here makes it look frosty and you really can't see the red very well, although it is there.

Covers well, though it has a long wand and the brush feels far away from my fingers, odd how bottle shapes make such a difference!

Here is the comparison:

This photo does show the red shimmer a bit better, but no questions: these are navy polishes. The blue shimmer of Spark is gorgeous.

Left to right:
  • Borghese Plumaggio Purple
  • SH Lacquer Shine Spark
  • Borghese Plumaggio Purple
  • SH Lacquer Shine Spark

Both are available on eBay. I found them both at discount stores, I think Borghese at either Ross or TJ Maxx and Spark I may have gotten at either Dollar Tree, but now that I think about it, probably bought it on eBay.

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!

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