
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Purple Glitter Party

Here are four purples that needed an outing.

No top coat, two coats, and over a neutral base (Orly Bon Bon)


L.A. Girl Glitter Addict Euphoria

This is a soft small blurple glitter packed with larger purple holographic hexes.

This collection came out a few years ago and is still on the L.A. Girl's website. They have changed their formula, so the jury is out on whether these are a win. They've got more of a suspension base now and it's a base-eating monster. This is an older version, so no issues.

Love the color, hard to fault.

Milani Lavender

Found this at the Dollar Tree. It's a lovely mix of darker purple and lavender glitter. I wish it was a bit more dense, but it's not bad. If you see it, if you like purple glitter, this might be a win!

Missha Purple Stone Glitter

A real bear of a polish. First you've got this gorgeous disco ball glitters that are fabulous, next you've got a thick base, and finally you have a brush that really can't deal with it all. It's very hard to get it to spread around well. Well, you can see it's a bit patchy. 

Meanwhile you've got a gorgeous glitter and a quick drying base.  I probably need to try again and see if I can wrestle it into a better wearing.

No longer on the Missha site and not popping up on eBay, but it is on Amazon. Unique bright lavender with a potential for wall to wall coverage. Just have to master it!

L.A. Girl Glitter Addict Eutopia

Got a jones for royal purple glitter? This is a powerhouse.

Two coats, great coverage.  

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!

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