
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Soft Spring Shades from Chain Stores

Pretty simple, it's just a couple of shades that feel soft and easy to use.

American Apparel Cotton

Three coats, beautiful pale butter yellow. Almost an off white, but definitely in the yellow camp.
Probably could do two coats easily, too.

I love this baby. Very hard to fault. Doesn't self level perfectly, but on par with my favorite formulas. Nice!
This was from a huge job lot that I found on eBay from the batch AA came out with that had unannealed bottles.

H&M Miss Stone Heart

Soft medium gray, two coats, nearly a one coater. Have worn this twice and it's really quite a great gray. 

Pure and simple!

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!


  1. I got a set of like 17 AA polishes from ebay, but this was not one of's not bad!

    1. You know, you might be jogging my memory, I think I did get this one on a blog sale.
      Nail Purchase Amnesia strikes again!


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