
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Old Marsala Here To Stay

I almost got rid of this polish before I tried it on....

This photo was taken with my iPhone.

This is Essie Munis Mauve. 

Long before they had embossed bottles and their caps had that eponymous "E" they had, apparently a bland little square bottle and a plain white cap.

A very pre-"Free 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7" polish, this puppy reeks of old school chemistry.

It also goes on easily, smooths out beautifully and tip-toes around fussy dry time like Jerry tip-toed around Tom to get at the cheese.

I slapped this over a very lovely manicure while at work (sinner!) and two coats rendered the shade below invisible, and also into a dang fine base coat.

The color, when googled ranges from a dusty rose to a subtle berry, so I don't know if mine has had pigment aging issues, but I love this polish a lot.

I honestly won't be able to parse the difference between mauve and marsala, but I'll just go there and say "puce" people! PUCE!

I just had to get that in there. Of course the color trend makers couldn't use Puce as color of the year because it's just not got a savory history. Just read The Flea by John Donne and you get a flavor for what I'm talking about.

Meanwhile if anyone knows what collection this was from, I'd love to know. 

I found this on a blog sale and was intrigued by it, also I found it on Nail Supplies for an affordable price. Since this isn't on Essie's site, I'm guessing it's an old bottle.

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!


    omg I did not know this!
    unfortunately Munis Mauve is on the Unknown Years list...


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