
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Ulta Jaded - Mercurial, Changeable, Moody Green



Greens for March! My kind of madness.

I have to admit I kind of cheated throwing that last red post on the last day at the last minute. Hee.

So I've had this polish for quite a spell. I've kept it with greens, although I do have color shifting polishes separated out and could store it there, I doubt I'll really do much more with it, it's a bear of a formula. Second (third?) Ultra polish that just didn't work out formula-wise. 

Let's get to the photos:

This is a very sheer, gray based frosty shimmer. It has a translucent metallic quality to it, which I really think is quite alluring, but on the other hand, it is enfant terrible as far as dealing with it. As you can see brushstrokes were de rigueur, this requires a sure hand and no hesitation - as you can see I did in the index finger.

Sometimes you think you've got it, then after you think it's dry it dents, does a smudge, or a deep fingerprint. Gah! I redid a couple of fingers before I even got this much accomplished. Hmm.

It shifts form a shadowy green to a soft aqua blue.  Quite an atmospheric polish.

I tried it as a topper over New York Color Palm On The Beach: 

Gone is the color shift but up front and at attention is a pretty jungle green.
Palm On The Beach will be featured in an upcoming post, I'll get a photo then, but it's a bright parrot green and it only required one coat. I love how it looks. 

From sombre to jubilant. 

I am working with several old polishes and trying to fix their formulas, I'll have a post on this, it's a work in progress. I might goof around with this one. We'll see.

Meanwhile...Let's Go Green!

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