
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Rethinking a Striper

So my second Halloween mani never materialized.

Ah well. Moving on.

Found a ton of Milani Stripers a few months ago at Dollar Tree, they appear to be dense enough to drop color in a light, single stroke or stripe of application. This seems to translate into stamping. I've tried a couple and have been pretty impressed. I haven't tried them all, but so far it's a win.

I found the Purple Striper, called Purple Outline, that was a dense creme packed with glitter. Had to dry it out and it was such an easy polish to use, I moved it out of the stamping pile and put it permanently into the mani pile.

Easy to use the little brush and applied three coats with much ease.

I thought of rebottling it, but no need.

The purple base and the pink and blue glitter are quite beautiful.

A touch gritty, but with enough topcoats it appears smooth. I'd used an old Express Finish topcoat I've been trying to use up, and it isn't really thick enough to do much in less than 4-5 coats, which I did not do, only doing 2.

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!

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