
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Hot Summer Pinks Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of Hot Summer Pinks!


Here is L'Oreal Think Pink 282. Three coats, no top coat.

Quite a charmer. Magenta leaning hot pink that really has a delicious violet shimmer. 

Three coats, some VNL, but not the end of the world. The formula makes up for some of the limitations. It's self leveling, dries quite nicely, and wears well. 

When it comes to photographing this puppy, it's a case of "many are called, few are chosen." Even among the chosen it's still an editing game. 

Since the formula is just a delight, I forgive it's sheerness. 

Maybelline's Colorama 130, Fuchsia Fiesta. Three coats, no top coat.

More dense, less easy to manipulate largely because these old Maybellines are prone to disintegrating brushes, this was no exception.

This has that same violet shimmer. Lovely!

Bit better coverage, a bit cooler, less red, and a bit more slow to dry.

Felt like I should compare them.

Left to right:
L'Oreal Think Pink
Colorama 130
L'Oreal Think Pink
Colorama 130

L'Oreal's warmth comes out much more clearly in the comparison photo.

I wonder if there is an OPI or something with really great coverage that has a blue shimmer like this? If there were, I'd probably replace these, although the L'Oreal has a great formula, it's full of some old school chemistry, too. 

Bottle shot. Last rays of afternoon sun, trying like a maniac to get violet flash. Little actual success.
Not enthusiastic about dragging around a tripod chasing light to slow down the exposure. 

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal! 


  1. I wonder why L'Oreal put this pink in a Creme bottle rather than Perle. Odd.

    1. I never truly understand how companies decide what finish is what. I've seen shimmers called frosts, too.


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