
Monday, April 21, 2014

No Rum in My Mojito, Please!

To continue on the holographic motif I've begun, I've got a gorgeous green holo, Colors by LLarowe Mojito.

This is one coat over Orly Ancient Jade. Under my lights this it looks much more scattered, but under flash or sunshine you can really see the flame.

I love how it has a good coverage and when I wore it alone it was a two-coater. Nice!

I purchased this through Formula is perfectly fine and I didn't experience issues with chipping after wearing for three days.

Here is Orly Ancient Jade

A perfect base for CbL Mojito.

There are three coats and no top coat. Definitely a mint green that doesn't lean blue. At all.
Down the pike I will do a comp of my mints, but for now, suffice to say that this is a really nice one that flatters many skin tones.

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!

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