
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Ring In Good Cheer

OPI Merryberry Mauve and the matching glitter topcoat have been in my "to do" drawer for a long time. Too long.

When I finally donned it, I realized one thing in sharp relief: it's very similar to Orly Fantasea.
Sheer, cool purply base, and a bronzy shimmer. Nice!!!
One can't have enough of those kinds of subtle and complex polishes.
Here it the link to my blog post about Orly Fantasea and L.A. Girl's dupe Enchanting.

Here is Merryberry Mauve alone

I didn't put it over black, but it's a definite contender for being "rather similar" if not "doggone close".

Meanwhile: it's sheer. That's OK. OPI has a little secret place in my heart: even their sheer polishes dry well. No baby-sitting a sheer polish until it dries.
Gorgeous. Luminous and glowing like a mauve ember in a Dadaist's fireplace.

Next the topcoat

Pretty, sugary top coat that looks more purple in the bottle but is a combination of a purple and a silver glitter. No holo like OPI's SugarPlum Yum.

No top coat on either, just a quick gander at gorgeous holiday polishes that finally got an outing!

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!

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