
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Color Club Beyond The Mistletoe Collection Part 1

Hey Sweet People!

I've been out of circulation for several days and want to jam in some manis before the holidays got away from me!

So, I've had Color Club's Beyond the Mistletoe for a year or so. Love it so much I have backups. The glitter are really a treat: packed with holo and metallic small glitter bits which kick up the dust in the sparkle department. It's a small, but excellent collection.

I've departed from the norm by pairing them with unusual bases. Many a blog has hit this collection hard with great swatches. I wanted to post my take. I'll post photos of colors of base cremes I've never blogged before, too.

As usual, bases are three coats, toppers are, here, two. No top coat. I guess you could call these "proto-sand-polishes" (hehe, ahem!)
I took these in the heyday of some great long, biotin-rich nails and some wonderful sunshine of a hot August day.

Beyond the Mistletoe

This is over Color Club's New Bohemian. A Delicious Tiffany blue that helps actualize BTM's pastel pine green shade of glitter. Mixed in is a heavy dose of holo.
Perhaps the best of the lot because of it's unique shade. There are a lot of blue, pink, and red glitters, but pine green? Few.

Holiday Splendor

This is a very popular color. Unlike the rest of the colors in this collection, this one has a colored base, in this case a deep teal jelly base. I think the glitters are actually identical to BTM, but the base dominates the glitter. I fully admit this one isn't my favorite, but I admit that I see the appeal.

Here I'll insert a base color I've not blogged, Diamond Cosmetics Twinkle Twinkle Periwinkle:

It is a dusty, understated pink with an infusion of blue to cause it to be filed under purples in my color organization. The bottom photo is closer, but it does have this ability to change slightly in certain light.
It has a shimmer that you'll need to enlarge the photo to see. Reminds me of Orly Lollipop, but much more washed out and somewhat more lavender.

Here's Color Club Sugar Plum Fairy over the top:

After you get your sight back from being blinded by the generous holo punch this baby packs, you will see that it has a great dose of purple glitter mixed into the silvery holo glitters. In the bottle I'd call it a cool mauve, but on the nail over TTP it just looks like a purple glitter. Win!
I didn't expect this at all and I think it's a top ten manicure for me.

Keep your eyes peeled for part two, coming in about a day.

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!!

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