
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Little Bit of Franken

So we've got a broken bottle of Nubar Meadow leaking into its packaging and my hand. What to do?

Grab and empty bottle and save what I can and start frankening.


If there is one thing I hate when I get nail mail it's a broken bottle. I've been lucky that all have been completely contained in the shipping containers, but a break is a bummer.

I had found all the Nubar Sparkles on a blog sale and was thrilled to get them. One didn't make it, no biggie, they were a real deal.

I scraped together every bit that was still liquid and put it into a spare bottle. Now what? I added the rich blue Sally Hansen Xtreme wear that I'd found too sheer, and added things like navy, some other cremes and found this to be the perfect combination of cool teal and warm yellow green glitter from the Nubar Meadow Sparkle.
Hard to say if it's perfect, but I like that it teeters between peacock and teal.

This is three coats, and I have to say I wish I wrote down the recipe!

A little aside about Biotin. I've been using 1k microgram per day, it made my nails grow like weeds. Strong? My word, while I wasn't popping tops of soda cans, but my nails could take a bit of a beating.
No splits, no side cracks, and now peels. Wow!

Then I slacked off. Seriously. Completely was forgetting about it. Next thing I know, massive crack, splits down the center (?!?!?!) and peels. Had a break very low and so I cropped them all off. Ah well!

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!

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