
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Purple That Has Regality in Reality

Hey sweet people!

Thank you for reading my blog! I know we are now in a bath of blogs and a myriad of polishes are released daily. Hoping I can - have and will - help you in your path to polish happiness!

Here's a L.A. Girl Color Addict collection polish called Intoxicate.

Please do enlarge and peek a the richness that this polish serves up.

It's a deep warm purple that in some light - not my ring finger above, looks almost red, but then turns at once into a vampy purple. It's not too plummy but can shift into that direction, too.

Three coats, some dullness due to oil on my hands, and a lot of really amazing gilded shimmer buried into this polish.

Close the doors, spark up the fireplace, I feel autumn rumbling into town.

Here's a macro

You can see how it looks like a royal purple, but sometimes it looks almost maroon.

The topcoat is absent, so it's not a high gloss finish.

L.A. Girl polishes are available on the LAGirlUSA website, but they are also readily available on the DiscountCosmeticOutlet website as well, for a lower price I will add.

I swatched a periwinkle one here, and really want to add more of these to my collection.


  1. I love plums and purples. This has a pretty gold shimmer in it. It is definitely very autumn feeling.


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