
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Raining on a Snow Storm

Tonight a "pacific northwest prairie" storm rolls through. Lightening and thunder are dancing all around my neighborhood.

The rain scent lingers for hours in the air, long before the wind rushes the thunder storm into place like actors before a curtain rise.
Then the release of heavy rain into the soft dry fields of harvested wheat, lentils, garbanzos and other things that love the high and the dry that is summer in this part of the country.

Reminds me that summer is beginning to pick up its things and get ready to leave.

I tried on Smitten Polish Winter is Coming because I love white polishes with glitter mixed into them.

I love the bright sky blue glitter, feels like you are on a mountain top! The micro sized blue glitter sprinkled throughout also adds to the depth.

This is four coats. I could have probably done a two coater over a white, but I felt like four was the perfect number. I also think three would do you, too.

Dried pretty well, for a white, and wore extremely nicely as well.

The following day I popped on China Glaze Rain Storm

Two coats of Rain Storm.

It is, alone, a much maligned sheer polish with a tiny blue glitter. It really is quite a nice layering polish!
I wore it alone and it looked like a hard candy shell, which wasn't bad but it took a solid five coats to do much of anything of any interest.
New life as a layering polish, though!

Here are the bottles:

The flash brings out the blue glitter in ChG Rain Storm.

Now, as I finish writing this, the rain is gone, moving north as it does it will eventually run up against the Bitterroots and, not an equal match to those hearty mountains, become a toothless little rain shower.

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!


  1. Your layering is so lovely! I don't have Rain Storm but think I might need to go find it.


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