
Friday, May 17, 2013

Blues Legend

When I typed that phrase into Google the first hit was Robert Johnson.

If you aren't acquainted with his work, please indulge yourself. Genius is not an overstatement.

Blues are fundamental to modern music as we know it. Musically it's like the change from the writing style of Henry James to that of Ernest Hemingway. 

Here are some tasty blues you should latch onto, if you get the blues, these blues will sing to you.

Left to right:
Sally Hansen Denim Creme
Sally Hansen Thinking of Blue
American Apparel Royal Mount

Not a dud among them.
Royal mount is slightly more pink, but all are gorgeous and glossy.

Three coats each, I did clean up a tad here and there. 

Here are the bottles:

Denim Creme is probably on eBay, I found it at a Dollar Tree. The matching cap just adds to it's sweetness.

Thinking of Blue is a Complete Salon Manicure that is not in the racks, but probably on eBay, found mine at a Walgreens. I don't know which release this was in, the drug store price point for SHCSM is rather high for the formula payoff. I believe that I found this on sale.

Royal Mount was a blog sale find, but is also at American Apparel's website. A formula not to be sniffed at, I kind of feel like it's a Color Club. But then again I think there is a lot of sub-contracting going when non-beauty brands get into makeup. Unfortunately I  have no evidence to support such a theory, but if you think about it, it's much easier to contact a company who "does polish" order new packaging and call it good. 

Meanwhile, enough with the speculation, this is my fave shade in the medium blue realm. 

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!


  1. Alll three are are beautiful. I have the first and third ones and didn't realize how similar they are.

    1. I know, I was really surprised, too!
      Also, I love Royal Mount, it's so nice!


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