
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring Colds, Remnants and Ramblings

You know that delirious meditative state you are in when you have a fever and a bad cold?
It's like lucid dreaming.

Not really feeling like blogging, I poked around the MUA board, browsed many blogs in Soon-to-Be-Defunct Google Reader (why, you fools, why?) and got back into reading the biography of Vincent van Gogh. You know, we look at him now as a man of greatness, rare vision and deep understanding of light, but he was a lucid dreamer that drove his family wild. Of such deep convictions, but apparent such deficit of attention, he bounced from one thing to another in search of what would inflame his passion. Stubborn, offensive, sanctimonious and obsessive, he was a spoiled child who never actually had to work for a living, despite completely alienating his family! I'm only at the part where his Uncle Mauve has taken him under his wing, not without trouble though. To quote This Mortal Coil "it will end in tears."

Alright, back to polish.

I will say this: there are more greens that didn't make the "month" that will crop up.

Right now I am happy to say no green.

Mezzanotte Blue, by Borghese (3 coats), with Sally Hansen Silver Lining (one coat)

I wanted something that would mitigate the darkness of a vamp. This seems to have brought out the blue flash of Silver Lining, fantastic!!!

Three coats of Mezzanotte Blue. I feel bad that Borghese is gone from drugstores. They did have some nice limited edition/new product displays. At $8 a bottle the formula, I felt, still do, was too unreliable: not enough pigmentation at times.
Mezzanotte Blue, however, is a stand out.
It came out about 2009 or 2010 along with some other great colors. It stands alone as a wonderful deep navy, but it also can be used for frankens.
They are gone from my RiteAid, replaced by Essie, and I wonder if they are sold somewhere else? Seems unlikely. They are owned by Coty, who is pretty big, and so perhaps it's good bye to my favorite brushes and pretty little heart shaped bottles. *sniffle*

Silver Lining, another old Tracy Reese/SH collab from about 2009 or 2010. It was the collection with Hidden Treasure, it actually had some good ones in it.
This one tops my list for layering because of the silver/blue color shift.
Although I am not a fan of these bottles, and the formula is a bit slow on me, the "complete" manicure line does pop up with some great colors!

Thanks for reading my feverish ramble!

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