
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ulta Blue Crush versus Color Club Electronica

I've had this Ulta Blue Crush for a while, I just blogged about it, and I really like it. The more I looked at it, the closer it looked to Color Club's Electronica.

I realize, as an aside, that it's very hard to organize by bottle color. The main issue is that stuff really doesn't always look the same in the bottle as on the nail! Sometimes two bottles look identical and one has hardly any pigment or the way it's concocked cococted (eep! speak english!) by the maker it ends up being, well, just different!

Here is Blue Crush, yet again:

Three coats, no top coat and here you can see it is jam packed with a ton of pink glass fleck, it actually looks like a mini-flake.

Here is Color Club Electronica, from their Musique collection:

I think that this has a similar concept, however it seems a little less pronounced.

Again, three coats, no top coat.

Electronica is more glossy, and although these had to be lightened and I had to remove some red and green, it's more blue than it looks in real life. Originally I looked like I had jaundice, and that wasn't going to work.

Because Blue Crush has a stronger fleck presence it looks more purple.

Here is a side by side:

I will say that this is much closer, however less blown out, ugh, my photography skills and purples are always taxed.

This is a trio of shots of one manicure with Electronica on the left side of the nail and Blue Crush on the right side of the nail.
So the top shot shows the Electronica side and the bottom the Blue crush side and the center shows both.

I've never tried this before, but they are so close that it's the best way to see the differences. Not that they aren't very similar, but Electronic is darker. Very nearly dupes.

Personally I love both, so although I have similar bottles of polish, they have enough of a difference to make them pretty much worth having each one.

Please enlarge the last photo to see the subtle variations.

As far as acquiring the Color Club, I believe it's still out there. The Ulta was just a fluke, I rarely shop there, so it's hard to say if it's around, I don't know much about their polishes.

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!

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