
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Three Purples of a Violet Nature

It's the end of the year and I notice that a lot of bloggers are pulling together their "best of" lists. Always a real pleasure to see those. Watching folks winnow down to a handful of greats truly relaxes my collecting urges. I always see a few I'm glad I passed on, a couple I know I will rustle up over time and a couple that I need NOW! ;D Of course, I always see that some of my faves  are absent, but then again, that's how it goes, no?

Personally, in my bloggy arc I'm hitting up some polishes I've had for a long time and remain untried. Not sure why, but it's important to try them out and either fall in love again, or decide to let them go.

Here are three violet purples.

NYX Techno

Three coats of pearly prettiness.
I've had this one for a while, I don't know why I haven't tried it, it's great!
Luminous for a spring polish, not really a post-punk color as the name implies.
Fresh and fun, easy to use, though I think a piece of something floated onto my middle finger as I was putting it on and it shows it up as a bump. Erk. Upside it dries quickly.
I haven't kept up on NYX polishes, but I do know they dumped their NYX Girls line on their website as well as repackaged their polishes into Deborah Lippmann bottles. I can't find Techno on their site, either. Hmm.
I know Beautyjoint has NYX Girls, but not sure about the old line of NYX colors.

SinfulColors Fiji

This one required four coats, and I wanted to hate it from the start. Yet. yet. When I finished it had this almost tropical orchid quivering in a blade of sunlight feel to it. Simply magnificent. I'd call it a pearly shimmer.
It's warmer than NYX Techno, and in its own right, a beauty.
It took a bit more tweaking to dry, however, which, in light of its sheerness, means a bit of extra work.
I think it's also easily available at any SC's display.

Nicole by OPI Virtuous Violet

Well, I will admit right now that when I first bought this polish, I got myself many backups. It's my favorite shade of purple.
Three coats, easily a two coater, but I popped on a third.
Great shimmer, and a vague implication of duochrome.
Virtuous Violet is a core color and it's a beaut!
Recommend that if you love purple, you should have this one.

Here is a comparison of the three:

Same order:
NYX Techno
SC Fiji
NOPI Virtuous Violet

You can see that they are similar, yet, well, different! ;D

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!

Happy 2013!!!

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