
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lavender Comps: Part 3

Here is the round up!

First a quick rehash of the contenders:

H and M Temptress, aka, "Make Mine Secret Shimmer"

E.L.F. Lilac, aka, "Gray Down and Die"

Diamond Cosmetic's Pelican Peak Purple, aka, "Purple Mountain Majesty"

Sparitual Thunder Road, aka "Strap Your Hands Across These Engines!"

On to the comps:


Left to right:
DC Pelican Peak Purple
Sparitual Thunder Road
E.L.F. Lilac
H and M Temptress.
You can see three of these things belong together, one of these things doesn't belong here, can you guess which one? (hee hee!)
In a lot of ways DC PPP and SR TR have a lot in common, though, I feel as though the former is a wee bet glossier and as I look at it, I am kind of feeling like I love it a little more. It could be my "ridge-y ring finger" but I it's hard to say.
Temptress, you shimmer bomb! Love ya!


Left to right:
DC Pelican Peak Purple
Sparitual Thunder Road
E.L.F. Lilac
H and M Temptress.

As you can see they really all look pretty decent in the shade, even the E.L.F. Lilac, but in truth, Sparitual holds the intensity a skosh more. H and M washes out, DC PPP turns a bit blue, but not bad really.  Temptress looks good, though a little demure, and I think would go more gray in tungsten light.

Though, to the E.L.F.'s merit, it would be a great base for frankening, or if you wanted to make it go down the jelly path, it would be perfect. I made a jelly out of E.L.F. dark red and it's pretty fabulous. 

Last shot, bottles:

Left to right:
DC Pelican Peak Purple
Sparitual Thunder Road
E.L.F. Lilac
H and M Temptress.

Would I call any of them dupes? I don't know, I think DC and SR are pretty darn close. If I had one and not the other, I'd pass on the other. Whatever that other was. Ha! I don't even think I understand what I just wrote!

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!


  1. Temptress is winner winner, chicken dinner! /dork
    I am such a sucker for secret shimmers. Haha!

  2. Temptress is wonderful! I hope to find more H and M!


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