
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Last Day To Enter!

Don't forget!

And thanks for following! Even if you unsub after the contest, I appreciate you coming along for the ride for a while!

If you are a blogger and don't see your name on the side bar under Blog-o-rama, please add your blog in the comments below. This entry only, please. I want to make sure I follow.
You can email me, too, if you'd prefer.

I will try to follow as many as I can and import them into the blogroll.

Thanks all!


  1. Here is a link to my blog:

  2. I would love it if you followed my blog! :)

  3. I just noticed that you have Magic Maid listed, but that one doesn't exist anymore, but the good news is that Nicole couldn't stay away after she closed up shop and she started a new blog! Nightly Nails is her new blog.

  4. Thank you!
    I had another one, Emma's Nails, turn into tattoo art, so it was kind of weird!
    I will add the new one when it shows up, I just joined.
    I will be adding everyone's soon, I'm making the big list of entries over the next few days.


I love comments!
Please email me at to add your blog to my blogroll instead of posting your blog here!
Thank you!
Did I mention I love comments?