
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Summer Thank You Give Away!

I really wanted to share some extras I've got by way of a thank you for following this blog.

Until Ross gets some of the new fall/winter sets (see Body & Soul Blog for some tasty photos) I won't have any more sets.
Essentially, you 105 people are the only people eligible and are looking at some of the shortest odds I've ever seen on a tote board (except those who live outside the US! I am sorry! I can't afford a combo postage this time around!)

Yes, there will be more than one winner! Ends August 20th. See rules for multiple entries.

The Rules

You have become a member by August 1 Midnight Pacific Time Zone and you are eligible.
That was yesterday. Check, done.

Contact will be the same:

  • Email me in the title: Summer Giveaway GFC Name

In the text:
  • Your name that you follow under
  • Your email
  • Your prize preferences. (one prize per entry, maximum four)

Ways to get more entries(!):
  1. Add an entry if you list your blog, too (I will be doing a blog roll soon, and want to make sure I am following as many as possible!) 
  2. Add an entry if you go to, add The Brooke (American Friends of The Brook, Washington NY) and search for 5 random searches. That's a nickel in the pot for working equids - horses, donkeys and mules - in impoverished countries that afford little care for them. It's easy, there is only a few searches now, if you can add 5 more, I'd be grateful! I added them to Goodsearch a few years ago and money dribbles in. Read more about The Brooke at (horses and donkeys in distress so be aware!)
  3. Add an entry if you Goodsearch for another charity, mention it in your email.

I will sort all entries by prize choice, thus having smaller pool to draw from for each. I would prefer to give the people who want that prize first chance at it rather than someone who is "meh" over a particular prize getting it as their last choice. Truly I'd feel bad for the person who really wanted a prize but never even had a chance because the pool was big.

So, you can have up to four entries. And guess what? Each of those entries can be a different prize. Now, before it seems like I am driving myself crazy, I will still break up all entries by prize. If all you want to do is email me with your Google Friends Connect name, no problem. If you do, however, want to make two, three, or even four tries, no problem.
I do ask that you list all of your entries on one email, document your entries, document your prize choices, I'll divvy it up.
If you want four chances at one prize, no worries. You can break them up any way you want.

Am I repeating myself? Sorry, this is experimental because I want winners to be in the pool for the prize they really want. OK. Maybe next time I'll streamline this whole thing. :D

Please try to limit all your consolidated entry(ies) to one email. No rush, this doesn't end until August 20th. Lots of time to put together your list, make your searches, heck, even build a quick blog. I really don't care! :D

Hope that wasn't too ridiculously baroque, let me know what you think, and let me know if I need to explain anything more clearly.

The Prizes!!

Prize 1
Color Club Pardon My French Set

Prize 2
Starry Temptress Set (I swatched it, just so you know!)

Prize 3
Maybelline Set of Mattes
Matte Gold
Matte Grape
Matte Olive
Matte Blue
Matte Sapphire
Matte Grey
Matte Scarlet

Prize 4
Rebel Debutante Set

Again with the email because this entry is so long(!):

More points to ponder:

  • I will send you a confirmation email that I've gotten your email and have entered into my database. This will make sure I get it right. 
  • If you send in your entry and you don't hear from me in 3-4 days, email or leave a comment, I will email you and not publish the comment. I see comments two or three times a day, but email only once.
  • If no one wants one (or more) of the prizes, I'll throw all the remaining names in the pot and pull names for it (them).

I'm not trying to build "followers" just thank those who love polish enough to put up with my shenanigans.

Thanks for reading my blog, and entering the contest!

ps...let me know what you think of this whole thing, too. I've been revising it and revising it, trying to find the best way to explain it, let people help The Brooke, and find their way to getting closer to their "dream" prize while having some fun doing it.


  1. too bad this isn't international but great giveaway nevertheless :)

  2. Now does following mean following through Blogger exclusively? I don't use Blogger but I've been following for a while through Google Reader. I assumed you just meant following through Blogger...

  3. No, following through any google device: reader or blogger.

    Why? Because if you bother to keep track of me, I am grateful!!

    Sorry to be unclear on that!!!!


I love comments!
Please email me at to add your blog to my blogroll instead of posting your blog here!
Thank you!
Did I mention I love comments?