
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mermaid Variations

When I stumbled upon the Pirates of the Caribbean knock-off by Sinful in the Rite Aid, I could not help but laugh. I mean, they had a full complement of "ripped from OPI's hot hands" color palette.
They call it "Adventure Island" and the display has an 18th century galleon printed on it to boot. Pass me the tricorn hat and mah buckler and I'll avast yer swabby on the poopdeck in no time!

Naturally I picked up a couple of greens. I'm just prone to grabbing them.

Pirate meme aside, is it not impossible to imagine two more bland collections? If nothing else,  pirates evoke folks who buck the norm, safety, laws and good dental care to fight and plunder and say things like avast and booty. I doubt one single one of them would be caught dead in pink nail polish.

So here is Open Seas, Sinful's version of OPI's Mermaid's Tears

I feel like I've achieved some sort of "polish photo nirvana" here.

A very pretty two-coater. Opaque. If I applied it thicker I think I could stretch it into a one-coater, but really two worked better. I can't compare it to the OPI, as I don't have that one, sorry about that!

But I started to think what I would do if I had this color and I worked at Sinful's "color development department" (as if one actually exists, I am really just guessing at this point!)

First I'd probably at the very least make it a shimmer

I threw on some of Sinful's own Out of This World, which lent a glassy feel. I think Sally Hansen's Silver Lining would do the job as well.
All those new glassy particles. Heck why not?

Then I felt it was time to rip the "tears" meme and threw the layering drawer open...

Oops on the name of the Zoya!!!
I grabbed a glassy Zoya, South Beach Ice, and a translucent glitter, Colorama 45 and a sheer shimmer, Lime Lights.
First was Lime lights, then South Beach Ice, finally the Colorama. Whoo!

As you can see I wondered to myself: if a mermaid is already in the water, how do you know she is crying?

You'll know, you'll know! Her tears will look like seaweed or pearls or an abalone shell.

I think if I were riffing on the pirate them and mermaids and seaweed and such, I'd go big or go home.

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!


  1. Love the layering you did! I'm already wondering if Sinful is planning to do a Muppets ripoff/homage collection. :)

  2. Thank you!
    I bet you are o to something there!

  3. Nice layering! Yeah, it's a bit bland on its own. I do like the collection, tho.


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