
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lesson in Layering

As I said from the start, I am always learning. I have pretty much never considered that layering over a base color that is similar in gray scale, or the same level of intensity as the base in a sheer can reveal something new and exciting.

To wit:

First I received Sinful's Glass Pink in a swap. It has that orangey opalescence and it felt as though it might actually be a cool layering polish. I put it over black:

You know, not bad, but that base was a bit milky and kind of got in the way of the lovely iridescence.
Not bad, but the shimmer wasn't the star of the show.

I then tried Maybelline's Silver Aluminum

A subdued and dusky version of a silver. By comparison to something like Sally Hansen Celeb City (blogged here) A little more on the frosty side, it still has a beauty that is undeniable. I should pull out all the Maybelline "aluminums" and just do a big swatchfest...add to the to-do list!

I pulled out the Sinful Pink Glass and tried it out as a layering coat over the top of Silver Aluminum

Wow! What a beautiful surprise! Soft glowing and almost that iridescent glow with soft sparkle. The milky base doesn't get in the way at all and enhances the silver giving it some depth.
Well, well, well!

It is fun to find new ways to combine sheer topcoats. Instead of pushing against their limits, finding their strengths!

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!


  1. Excellent layering! Makes me want to try a Glass Pink & black franken (I am not so good at this layering thing, lol).


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