
Friday, July 15, 2011

Home Cooking, aka Layering to Make Pencil Lead

So, I know this is nothing like the Chanel, but I thought more about the pencils that I am familiar with. You know, that one that you used in art class to make thick blotches of graphite so you would know your pencils?

First I pulled Sinful's Out of This World from the layering drawer.

A pretty silver-y white on its own. Very much a silver in the bottle. Four - yes four - coats here, rendering it very nice as a layering top coat. On its own, perhaps a nice spring sheer as a kind of "reset" button for the mind!

Then I pulled out a recent addition, Secret Admirer

Too dark, but in the right direction! Alone this would be a salvo in the battle, but not the final shot!

Then I did the natural thing...I layered!

A pretty nice progression into the shimmering world of graphite. Truly I think this will work! I am reminded of a thick layer of graphite laid down on rough paper with a 2B pencil. Shiny!

The interesting thing to me, though, is that the most "graphite" of all my polishes is a bottle of Orlane:

This really reminds me of a graphite pencil.

The upside is all of these polishes can be easily found: Orlane on eBay (still pretty cheap last I peeked) and of course Sinful is always $1.99

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!


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