
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Here are some beauties that, I feel, are underrated in the realm of "favorites".

Right now the passion is for holographic finishes, to the degree that people are buying auto paint pigments and frankening with them. Please. Just wear a mask. Several years of chemistry makes me respect an MSDS sheet, no matter how benign it sounds. Bleach may be around the house, lye may be in your cupboard, and pigments may be on eBay, but respect them, and, more importantly, respect your lungs and health. I totally respect people's frustration with the complete LACK of decent holographic nail polishes on the market. I also know that there are solutions, companies like GOSH and Make Up Store and Nfu Oh are putting out holographic polishes, oh, and Milani, Golden Rose, and probably others I can't think of, so I completely respect the frustration that people are experiencing if you've missed out on the OMG or Kaleidoscope collex from China Glaze or others in the "holographic hall of legends".
Just be safe.

I know, what a bore. 

So, anyhow...

Here are three, easy to acquire, already mixed, beautiful polishes that get nary a mention on the blogosphere or message boards... (why I'm doing threes these days, who knows)

Golden Rose 146

These can be found on the website. They are and EU brand and quite affordable.

It is a lavender blue base, blue to the point where I'd probably go out on a limb and say "periwinkle-esque"  shot through with a magnificent bright turquoise blue shimmer. Wonderful!

Here it is four coats. It also is a bit of a touchy thing to get dry, but with patience, the heat of the Ott light and some drying drops...oh and a quick dry top coat, it was fine and dandy.
Truly worth the effort. 
In another incarnation, it could be a layering polish, or do well with some lingerie layer of nude or white and probably might work with two coats.
Personally, I'm not anti-multicoat, but there are days when an Insta-Dri one coater, or a good old two-coater really is a boon.

Here it is in the bottle:

All those happy shimmer particles dancing around with joy!

Misa Russian Sage

I found this on one of the etailer websites, it was on page 5 or 6 and the html was all janked up on my browser and I almost didn't see it. Glad I did. It's Misa, it's in the purple family, and I thought, why not?

In some light it's this quiet lavender with a soft shimmer

In others it's a bit more dusty and muted and you can see the purple shimmer a bit better.

This is without a top coat, so it is very shiny. Mirror shiny! ;D

Three coats here and so easy to work with. Dried well and no complaints on the whole wear front, either.

Sally Hansen Grape Going

This is the "Scrangie Dupe", per what I've read, but I haven't gotten my bottle of Scrangie out of the vault to compare. Meanwhile, this is still on the racks at the drug stores and it's an Insta Dri, which further creates happiness. Well, aside from the brush, which takes a bit of finagling to get it to work on the pinkies.

Purple base and this bright blue shimmer. A medium base, though, not too lavender-like.
This is three coats.

A better view of the base, with the shimmer buried in the shadow.

Then I got some sunshine:

I think the base and shimmer mix it up here. Very well.

That is my offering of pretty-easy-to-get cool-payoff polishes. Golden Rose does seem similar to Grape Going, however it is more of an aqua blue shimmer, where Grape Going is more in the royal blue family.  

Thank you for reading my little nail polish journal!


  1. Beautiful purples! I love Golden Rose 146!

  2. Sweet psa. I agree. Health is more important. I hope people take more care.

    Gotta collect them all! These are all so pretty, even GG. I might have to pick that one up even though the brush on the insta-dries make me cray-aAAAHHH!
    I'd love to see a comp. with Scrangie if you have the time.

  3. I forgot to ask. Do you have any tips for taking pics of purples? Yours are so great and purpley. Mine all come out blue. :(

  4. You are very kind!!!!!!
    I use auto white balance on my camera and I use two color corrected fluorescent lights.
    On some darker ones or super light ones, I've had to use Photoshop Elements with the bottle sitting under an Ott light to get the color.

    Sometimes I have a white background.

    Daylight will kick more blue into colors, especially in the middle of the day.

    I will do a comp of GG and Scrangie really soon, I should have included it!!


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