
Sunday, February 27, 2011


WetnWild has been making smaller and smaller bottles over the last year or so. It's like they went from 17 or 15ml bottles to 14ml bottles and now they have these little 9ml and 5 ml bottles.
The problem with small size is a small brush.

This is a 9 ml bottle, and I know that this summer I saw a tinier bottle with a summer collection that was about 5 ml.

Ridiculously bad brush. So bad that it was necessary to move this into a new bottle. I pretty much have given up on WetnWild, unless there is a really good new color or I want to pick up a basic black in an old bottle.

Here is Blackmail:

It probably could have been a third coat, because it is a little bit translucent. It dried very well, and I kind of like the halloween motif of orange, but really there is a nice aqua flash in there as well. Not shabby!

Still, that brush, oy!

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!

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