
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Haute Browns - Color Club Collection

This is one of those little Ross collections I found a while ago.

It is quite small, and an unusual combo. Like a day and night thing.

There are six polishes, all unnamed, but the box has the names on the back. Thank goodness!!

Here's a bottle shot:

See? The first three are very glam, shimmery and seem to say party, dinner, candelight, etc. The second three are saying "Monday through Friday I have to work for a living at a conservative office!"

So, here they are...

Urban Edge

This baby took at least 4 coats, and I think I stopped counting at four. The first three were a challenge. Much balding and blotchiness. You can see the second finger from the left still has VNL, as does the far left finger.
Upside? It is a pretty pinkish rose, and it dried well. Nice!
As I've blogged before, I have a lot of these types of colors, and this is nothing that lights my toes on fire.

Diva in Brown

An earthy rose that took about four coats to really cover. Dried nicely.
I really don't like this color on my skin tone. It isn't flattering. But it's a really "office safe" color that is reminiscent of the 70's to me. Hey, with all that bell-bottom action coming back, maybe this polish will ride the wave. Maybe not.

Out and About

A deeper terra cotta color that is rather nice. I used four coats, but I think three would work fine. I like this one the most. I think I have another version of this color elsewhere, and may have blogged it.
Again, as with the rest, this one dried so well!

A comparison of the three "day" colors:

As you can see they look so similar in the bottle that at first I thought some random shop-lifter rearranged a few bottles from another set and stuck me with three of the same rose color.

Essentially all three are roses, which are beautiful, but they are on the brown side, which isn't too bad, but not a giant favorite of mine.

Golden Girl

I love the nightlife, I love to boogie! (Get your disco on!)
Three coats here, and probably could have carried the show with two.
Adorable burnished gold. Very beautiful. There is a rose tint in the bottle that I don't seem to see on the nail. You can just see it above the "G" in the title.
This is a favorite of mine.


Not black, but a deep burgundy color that evokes shades like Kalista by Zoya. Very beautiful and shot through with golden shimmer.
Before I pulled all my polish out and sorted by brand, I had a bunch of colors like this pulled for some comparison blogging. I still have my list, so I will endeavor to get my polishes out and do the comparison.
This is full of candlelight and clinking glasses. Why they call it "Black-ish" I don't know. Oh well!
Oh! Three coats, easy dry, win!

Haute Couture

I finished swatching and am wearing this one now. I love this one, dark, but not black. You can see the color and it's a beautiful deep merlot.
It did need a solid four coats to keep me happy.
Normally after a manicure I ding something, somehow, some way, I get something schmootzed. This dried so well, and wears so well, that it's a full on win! I didn't even need a quick dry top coat!

A bit of a puzzle that they have three colors that are so close, but Color Club puts out a lot of nice collections, I can't fault them for having fun with this one.

In general the number of coats was a bit off-putting at first, however, unlike a lot multi-layers, these dried very well. That is quite a nice surprise!

To sum up, this is sort of a makeup palette kind of collection: you've got day and evening looks. To me the winner of the bunch is Golden Girl, it feels the most unique of the batch.

Hope you enjoyed my review, and thank you for reading my nail polish journal!


  1. I wanted this collection when I first saw it on someone's blog, but now I see I didn't really miss much. Kinda disappointing that so many coats were needed, huh? Thanks for your swatches!

  2. Yeah, the shimmers are nice, but the other half, pretty much a "huh" on those three rose colors!


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