
Sunday, January 9, 2011


Sherer Chameleon polishes are found at my Rite Aid and that's the only place I've seen them, they make this and a Petites line that is pretty popular, too.

The Chameleons I went a little nuts over, because I'm kind of holding a candle for metallics, duochromes, etc.

Here is C22 Blue Sky. It goes from purple to blue with green to a dark teal. Nice!

Hey! Where's that sharp background you were talking about?!?!

A delightful polish!

Sorry for the fuzzies! This is a problem with my photog skills!
This was an easy three coats, however these polishes must be carefully applied in thin coats and allowed to dry between applications or a hot mess ensues. 

I think the payoff for the effort is worth the effort, though!

Thank you for reading my little nail polish journal!!

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