
Tuesday, November 9, 2010


This color evokes warm brocaded walls, heavy velvet curtains, gilt-edged baroque-inspired furnishings and the aroma of strong Earl Gray with bergamot, cream and sugar.

Why, I feel a bit of a pinch in my corset!

The rustling of a bustle and the soft sound of kid slippers on a persian rug.

I think this polish is Victorian elegance incarnate.

I just swatched here so I am not sure on wear and drying. I hate to find out! I love it so!

Thank you for reading my fluttering nail polish journal!


  1. I love earl grey tea with cream and sugar... so fragrant...
    oh yes, and I like this color too - sorry, got distracted. Going to make a cup of tea now.

  2. hehehe!!!!
    Zoya makes some mesmerizing shimmers!

  3. Don't forget to invite me for tea too! LOL!

    Great color!


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