
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Country Western Named Polishes

Lina Gale is a set I found at Ross. It's a 5-pack that is made by Markwin, the people who bring you WetnWild, among other things - as an aside I'm just going to tag this WetnWild.

It's the holidaze so they are starting to stock perfumes and sets so, I presume panicky sons, brothers, husbands, boyfriends, nieces and nephews will storm the halls of Ross to grab something for that Lady in their life.

I did see one that grabbed my eye. Lina Gale? Who is she? Sally Hansen's distant cousin? One will always wonder at the minds of marketing departments!

It's simple, but had about three polishes that made the $4.99 price worth it.

Let's get on with the show!

Here is a shot of the bottles:

There is nothing I love more than a top coat that can make a polish have some more legs:

This is over two coats of a pale white sheer that has no business doing anything but being a base coat or a french manicure.
This little bottle of shimmer, though is like they took Hidden Treasure and put it in a blender! I haven't found a lot of the green, but you can see a trace of it in the right nail top and on the left nail. Kind of neat!

Then there is the One Which Will Be Donated:

An apricot frost with some shimmer.
Please excuse the lighting, I was experimenting and it's a dismal FAIL. More work on my white box.
All in all a polish I can not even see wearing until I am 80 or 90 and even then I will be a Granny Goth or something. Fuggitaboutit!

Now for an obligatory red:

And it's a little feisty orange-ish red with some shimmer going on.
A little brushstroke-y, but not bad. In the bottle it has that metallic look, but on the nail that seems to not be present.

Now to the my favorite: Purple.

How about that? SHIIIiiiiiiimmmmmmerrrrrr!!
puurrrrrr, puurrrr, purrrrr....meow!

This polish is the reason I grabbed the set:

Yes, I know my photo here is about as sad as it can get, but this is a glassy polish a la the Nubar Venetian collection's Vaso. I don't think it's a dupe, but it is very close and has that glassy/piece-y particle make-up. I kind of love this polish and it's worth the price of the pack!

Last but not least is a shimmer royal blue:

Not bad!
It had that same metallic feel to it in the bottle, but on the nail, just a quiet shimmer.

I took the top coat and put it over the blue:

Quite a fun little set!

Just the right price. I wore the blue for a few days and it held up nicely!

Three polishes - top coat, purple, lavender - are a total payoff for the price of the set. I don't have to buy Vaso now, and I've got yet another layering top coat! Ha! I am so easy to please!

Here's something interesting on the Markwin front: I found a bottle of emerald green polish by Calvin Klein on eBay, so I thought, hey! I love that color! Plus, I thought: designer polish, wow!
Guess who makes it? Yes! Markwin. I kid you not! Isn't that funny? Now I wonder who makes other polishes, I wonder if I should find out how to do research on manufacturing, etc.
One other thing I would get to the bottom of in a hurry is why they ran out of all the special rainbow bits that are in Versace 2077 and Clarins 230 and Blue Cross Euphoria polishes? I mean, what the heck are they??

Anyhow, another post for another day. It also would be interesting if a blogger did a series of posts on how they try to duplicate these polishes.

Somewhere there is a warehouse with these obscure pigments. Where is it?

Thank you for reading my obscure little nail polish journal!


  1. That's a really nice set. Worth the price. Some really pretty colors. The purple is fantastic! Look at the price you paid for this and then how much would Calvin Klein be? Why do they charge so darn much for the high end polishes? Rip off!

  2. These were are really pretty. I like that purple & blue......

    Markwin's made Calvin Klein polish - no way! I am a bit of a polish conspiracy minded chick. I remember seeing the Calvin Klein polish's in stores but do not recall too much about them.

    I think I'll have to do some Google research on that one.

  3. Hey! Thank you!
    That CK was pretty inexpensive, it was from a UK seller on eBay, I was browsing "closing soon" auctions and saw it and thought "oh! Green!" and bought it!
    Then I thought I scored this veddy veddy high end polish...Markwin! LOL

  4. Dee, I'll do a swatch soon and show the label! It was crazy to see that when it arrived!
    I was like "noooooooo!"



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