
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hey All! Thanks so Much!

I am so grateful to people who "follow" and read my efforts. Your patience with my funky fingers, hit-and-miss application and scraggle battles with the cuticles is very cool. And so inspiring!

I've got a camera full of photos and a bunch of entries: I am feeling fall all of a sudden. I have some browns coming up, and I will be delving into some darker "vampier" colors. Want to hit the purples, blues and golds this winter.

I never started out this blog to get free stash to review, so I haven't been getting a lot of fall 2010 stuff into the larder, so if you are looking for those kinds of swatches, I bow my head in apologies. I still have a bunch of stuff which is exciting to me and helps build my edu-ma-cation in colors. And I kind of get a funny kick riffing off the latest trends in a Dollar Store version. Maybe that's an old joke by now! LOL!

Anyhow, big thank you! Welcome those who are new! Browse the "followers" list for other cool blogs. I hope to have a blog roll sooner than latter, but I'm quite inept at gadgets and things like that, so I may do another page in 2011 when I have the time to do it right.


  1. I'm really liking your blog. I don't like blogs that are just a picture of nails and that's it. You have information and also lots of yourself in the posts. Great blog.

  2. You are so kind!! I really appreciate feedback!!
    Thank you so much!! :D


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Did I mention I love comments?