
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sally Hansen Opals - Pt 1

This will be stretched out a bit. I found 11 of the 16 Sally Hansen "Opal" nail polishes at the Dollar Tree. I've got 1 through 10, then 14. I need to find 11, 12, 13 and 15. They are "interference" colors as they are known in the art world.
Interference colors change color when they are painted over other colors. At least that's what my Daniel Smith catalog says! They are often found in watercolors or even acrylics.
These are also duochromes. I sometimes wish I had a tiny little sieve and could filter out those lovely particles of shimmer and use them for frankens, but I enjoy these polishes, though sometimes they are a little murky. I already posted about one, actually "01 White Opal," I will redo that one, later on.
This time I've got "03 Fire Opal" and "10 Earthen Opal"

These are done under a daylight corrected light, as the weather was so grimy gray and dark that it was the only light possible!
These are all over a coat or so of WetnWild Black Creme.

Fire Opal - 03
This is one of the murky cloudy ones. I don't know if this is age (I have no idea when these were originally issued, how long they hung out until they were pulled, or how they might have been stored, or how that would have affected the chemistry inside the bottles. Always a mystery with these old polishes, you sometimes see the weirdest science projects growing inside a bottle!) or the way they came originally.
The beautiful purple and green in this polish make the murk go away!
Ha! Take that suckah!

This is a couple of shots of the polish pretty much flat at you, a purpley green glow that makes you think of haunted gothic manses with ghosts who are named Sapphyra or Alysia:

Then BAM! You turn your nails around a bit and you get this gorgeous glowing green!

Positively goulish. I love it!
Like a foggy night in 19th century London.

Earthen Opal -10
Probably my favorite of the two. How is it possible that I am digging oranges? I love those rich juicy oranges that almost squeak into the red zone.
I love that shimmery berry!

Then turn the nail a bit down and SMACK!
Shimmery goodness!

Wait! There's more! This one blends the two colors. Nice Job, Sally! 

Tasty duochrome virtuosity! 

Right now I'm looking for the missing Opal colors and will be swatching the rest over time. Still prodding my collection into submission.

Thanks for reading my little nail polish journal!

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