
Monday, May 24, 2010

Hyacinth - Spring Franken

Our weather has been terrible. I feel like it's October on some days, then July. Now it feels like winter.
What gives?

I made this franken recently with an eye shadow I pretty much saw and immediately hoped I could coax into a nail polish.
It's the color of Hyacinths.

It's a now, sadly, discontinued "Ultimate Minerals" by WetnWild, amethyst, into a pretty white frost by NYC, found at the Dollar Tree. I am no fan of frosts, but I feel that whites all deserve a chance at a new life in the realm of frankening pastels. I added about 2/3rds of the tube of the eye shadow.

I put it over a Sally Hansen white base, which, I now realize, has been causing many bubbles in my manicures of late, so it's a goner.

Even with the bubbles, I took photos to post, I love the color and the photo is true to the shade in real life!

Below you can see a bit of the blue flash from the eye shadow.

If you run across a WetnWild "Ultimate Minerals" in this or other colors, I recommend it for frankening! It was easy to use mixed up very well, and for a dollar a tube, I wish I'd tried other colors!

Meanwhile, I can wish for spring!

Thanks for reading my little nail journal!

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