
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dear Sally Hansen: Change Your Insta Dri Brushes!

Sally Hansen?
I want to talk to you about your Insta Dri polishes.

I love your colors!
I love your formula!
I know you must have people who monitor the boards, the blogs and see what's hot and hip! You also succeed at coming out with exciting colors, I LOVE Grape Going!
Today I was at the store and saw your new colors! A pretty light blue, a pretty leaf green, and a gorgeous teal.

BUT, did I buy them? No!
Why you may ask?
Well, I will tell you!
Your brushes stink! The thick flat wide stem is hard to clean polish off as you remove the brush from the bottle, then, worst of all, the brush is wide and flat and so thick!

You know, those polishes are about $5 a bottle. Do you realize that I can contact an online retailer and order four Essies, three OPIs, and a whole bunch of Color Club or China Glaze for the same price as those three bottles? And even though I pay shipping, locally I have to pay for gasoline to get to the drug store to buy polish. 

What incentive do you give me?
Did you know that people actually decant your polish into other bottles? Is that customer loyalty or what? I am not that kind of customer!

So, let's break it down:

Globby stem!
Even after I've tried to remove excess polish!

Wide brush!
Too wide!!!
This is not nail polish for guys, it's for women!

I have small fingers, my pinkie nail isn't wide enough to support this brush without a mess!

Come on Sally Hansen! What is up with this brush???

I am boycotting your Insta Dri polish until you redesign the brush, and heck while you are at it, redo the bottle!

Thank you for reading!

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