
Thursday, February 4, 2010

WetnWild Khaki

I really do want to get through the Dollar Tree finds, though I think I need to just move on to some of the fun stuff. What the heck. I worry too much.

Here's a bronze metallic shimmer called "Khaki" from WetnWild. It's "three free".  ("Three free" means it doesn't have toluene, dibutyl phthalate or formaldehyde in it. These are either carcinogens or cause birth defects. Although, to be frank, the "before three free" shimmers are some of the most coveted polishes around, go figure)

It took about 3 coats to feel right.
Also took a bit of a while to dry. I think my coats might have been too thick, I haven't figured out what makes some things dry quickly and what makes it just sit there, wet, gloopy, and not drying. This one got sheet marks, even after lots of time to dry, and drying drops. Ah, well.


It does have a pretty shimmer.  And I like the gold neutrals. 

I also am finally getting a handle on my cuticles. Hoorah!!! Things like cuticle oil, good "butters", hand cream, gloves, and not biting on my cuticles really help a lot.

Also, I am getting better at applying the polish itself. I have yet to use a brush dipped in acetone to clean up around the cuticle line, so I just use thin coats and steady myself to get application just right.
Well, maybe not "just" right, but very close to right as I can get it!  I will probably have a shot at it later on, I really hate to use a nice brush for dipping in acetone. Ugh. Never mind the fact that that just means breathing in more polish remover, which is not ever a pleasure.

I should post a few blog entries about nail care, as I figure it out, polish removal, application, etc. Maybe it would be helpful. Or humorous. Who knows.

Gosh, look at that righteous shimmah! I love it!

I am working on a light box for photography, but that is a few weeks down the pike.

The whole notion of a light box is this: a five-sided structure (three sides, and a top, and a bottom ), or a round one, that you set a small item in, point light so that it either diffuses through the walls or bounces off the inside, depending on the thickness of the walls, and the lights you use.
What is the problem here? Well if I am photographing a pen or a piece of jewelry it is not attached to my arm/hand/body. I can set it inside the box and have at it.
So, I am working on an idea that will facilitate photography of fingernails. Nothing fancy, but a small footprint and ease of use!

Thanks for reading!

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